
T. Rowe Price Spectrum Diversified Equity Fund

The fund seeks primarily capital appreciation and growth of income in the long-term and secondarily current income by investing in companies across any size in the United States.

The investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities.

The fund seeks to invest its net assets among a set of T. Rowe Price mutual funds representing specific market segments. The fund may from time to time invest in a money market fund.

Then the research team relies on a broad exposure to several markets to lessen the impact of declining markets and benefit from good performance in particular market segments over time.

Then the manager constructs a diversified portfolio from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level.

The fund can invest in funds holding U.S. and international stocks, stocks of companies involved in activities related to commodities and other real assets, and across all stock styles and market capitalizations.

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