Category Average Return | 3.2% | 4.4% | 20.7% |
Fund Name | Ticker | Summary | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 |
Advisory Research International Small Cap Value Fund + | ADVLX | 6.3% | 2.9% | 1.1% | |
The fund seeks to invest in smaller companies in international markets outside the United States. The investment process relies on fundamental research, company visits and bottom up research. The fund prefers to invest in companies with market cap less than $2 billion, strong balance sheet and stocks trading at multiple cheaper than the market index. The fund generally allocates less than 20% of assets to top 10 holdings. |
Advisory Research International Small Cap Value Fund | ADVIX | 0% | 0% | 0% | |
The fund seeks to invest in smaller companies in international markets outside the United States. The investment process relies on fundamental research, company visits and bottom up research. The fund prefers to invest in companies with market cap less than $2 billion, strong balance sheet and stocks trading at multiple cheaper than the market index. The fund generally allocates less than 20% of assets to top 10 holdings. |
Brandes International Small Cap Equity Fund + | BISAX | 7.5% | 19.4% | 35% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term by investing in small-size companies outside the United States. The investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team calculates the estimated intrinsic value of a company on the basis of factors such as a company’s earnings, cash flow generation, and/or asset value of the underlying business. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The manager may invest in companies located in at least three countries outside the United States. The fund may invest up to 30% of its net assets in companies located in emerging markets including frontier markets. Additionally, the fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in any one company. From time to time, the fund may invest more than 20% of its net assets in any market sector, such as the financial sector. The fund may invest in companies located around the world. |
Brandes International Small Cap Equity Fund | BINCX | 0.1% | 19.1% | 34.5% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term by investing in small-size companies outside the United States. The investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team calculates the estimated intrinsic value of a company on the basis of factors such as a company’s earnings, cash flow generation, and/or asset value of the underlying business. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The manager may invest in companies located in at least three countries outside the United States. The fund may invest up to 30% of its net assets in companies located in emerging markets including frontier markets. Additionally, the fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in any one company. From time to time, the fund may invest more than 20% of its net assets in any market sector, such as the financial sector. The fund may invest in companies located around the world. |
Brandes International Small Cap Equity Fund | BISMX | 7.9% | 19.5% | 35% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term by investing in small-size companies outside the United States. The investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team calculates the estimated intrinsic value of a company on the basis of factors such as a company’s earnings, cash flow generation, and/or asset value of the underlying business. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The manager may invest in companies located in at least three countries outside the United States. The fund may invest up to 30% of its net assets in companies located in emerging markets including frontier markets. Additionally, the fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in any one company. From time to time, the fund may invest more than 20% of its net assets in any market sector, such as the financial sector. The fund may invest in companies located around the world. |
Brandes International Small Cap Equity Fund | BISRX | -2.2% | 19.6% | 35.2% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term by investing in small-size companies outside the United States. The investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team calculates the estimated intrinsic value of a company on the basis of factors such as a company’s earnings, cash flow generation, and/or asset value of the underlying business. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The manager may invest in companies located in at least three countries outside the United States. The fund may invest up to 30% of its net assets in companies located in emerging markets including frontier markets. Additionally, the fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in any one company. From time to time, the fund may invest more than 20% of its net assets in any market sector, such as the financial sector. The fund may invest in companies located around the world. |
DFA International Small Cap Value Portfolio | DISVX | 3.6% | 3.3% | 12.9% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term by investing in small-size companies outside the United States. The sub-advisers’ investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team employs a market capitalization weighted approach to focus on non-U.S. companies in countries with developed markets. So, the higher the relative market capitalization of the company within an eligible country, the greater will be its representation in the fund’s portfolio. Also, the team evaluates companies on factors such as free float, momentum, trading strategies, liquidity, relative price, profitability, and investment characteristics. In assessing relative price, the team relies on valuation multiples such as cash flow or earnings, as well as economic conditions and developments in the issuer’s industry. However, in assessing profitability, the team considers ratios of earnings or profits from operations relative to book value or assets. Additionally, in assessing a company’s investment characteristics, the team considers ratios such as recent changes in assets divided by total assets. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The fund may lend its portfolio securities to generate additional income. |
DFA International Vector Equity Portfolio | DFVQX | 1% | 1% | 12.8% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term by investing in companies outside the United States. The sub-advisers’ investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team focuses on securities of non-U.S. companies in developed markets, with increased exposure to smaller capitalization, lower relative price, and higher profitability companies. In assessing relative price, the team relies on valuation multiples such as cash flow or earnings. However, in assessing profitability, the team considers ratios of earnings or profits from operations relative to book value or assets. Also, the team evaluates companies on factors such as free float, momentum, trading strategies, liquidity, size, relative price, profitability, and investment characteristics. Additionally, in assessing a company’s investment characteristics, the team considers ratios such as recent changes in assets divided by total assets. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The fund may lend its portfolio securities to generate additional income. |
Intrepid International Fund | ICMIX | 0% | 0% | 0% | |
Pear Tree Polaris Foreign Value Small Cap Fund + | QUSIX | 1.9% | -5% | 18.3% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term and income by investing in small-size companies outside the United States. The sub-adviser’s investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team focuses on securities issued by foreign markets. According to the investment team, a foreign markets issuer is an issuer operating in any industry sector that derives at least 50 percent of its gross revenues or profits from goods or services produced in non-U.S. markets or from sales made in non-U.S. markets. Additionally, the team also focuses on companies that are lagging in market price but having the best opportunity for price appreciation that is not reflected in their current valuations. The research process is driven by fundamental analysis of one stock at a time. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The portfolio generally holds between 50 and 100 value securities. However, the fund may be invested in securities from any country, any industry sector, or of any market capitalization amount. The fund is non-diversified, which means that it may invest a higher percentage of its net assets in a smaller number of issuers. |
Pear Tree Polaris Foreign Value Small Cap Fund | QUSOX | 3.5% | -4.6% | 18.2% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term and income by investing in small-size companies outside the United States. The sub-adviser’s investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team focuses on securities issued by foreign markets. According to the investment team, a foreign markets issuer is an issuer operating in any industry sector that derives at least 50 percent of its gross revenues or profits from goods or services produced in non-U.S. markets or from sales made in non-U.S. markets. Additionally, the team also focuses on companies that are lagging in market price but having the best opportunity for price appreciation that is not reflected in their current valuations. The research process is driven by fundamental analysis of one stock at a time. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The portfolio generally holds between 50 and 100 value securities. However, the fund may be invested in securities from any country, any industry sector, or of any market capitalization amount. The fund is non-diversified, which means that it may invest a higher percentage of its net assets in a smaller number of issuers. |
Pear Tree Polaris Foreign Value Small Cap Fund | QUSRX | 0.7% | -6.4% | 17% | |
The fund seeks capital appreciation in the long term and income by investing in small-size companies outside the United States. The sub-adviser’s investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark index and the research team utilizes quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to identify investment opportunities. Next, the research team focuses on securities issued by foreign markets. According to the investment team, a foreign markets issuer is an issuer operating in any industry sector that derives at least 50 percent of its gross revenues or profits from goods or services produced in non-U.S. markets or from sales made in non-U.S. markets. Additionally, the team also focuses on companies that are lagging in market price but having the best opportunity for price appreciation that is not reflected in their current valuations. The research process is driven by fundamental analysis of one stock at a time. Then the manager constructs a portfolio of stocks from a list of companies favored by the research team and allocates capital based on its conviction level. The portfolio generally holds between 50 and 100 value securities. However, the fund may be invested in securities from any country, any industry sector, or of any market capitalization amount. The fund is non-diversified, which means that it may invest a higher percentage of its net assets in a smaller number of issuers. |
Pzena International Small Cap Value Fund + | PZIIX | 1.4% | -5.3% | 17.4% | |
The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in small-cap companies in international markets outside the United States. The investment process is designed to identify companies with strong financial position, attractive earnings history and are estimated to offer strong long-term prospects. The research process is focused on evaluating individual companies for its business model, earnings durability, market leadership, competitive dynamic, and management effectiveness. The fund prefers to hold between 40 and 90 companies that offer the most attractive upside potential and are trading at most compelling valuations to their long term prospects. The fund primarily invests in companies operating in developed international markets but may invest in emerging markets as well. The fund may invest in companies through equity securities issued as Global Depository Receipts, American Depository Receipts, and European Depository Receipts. In addition, the fund may invest in real estate companies or trusts and limited or master limited partnerships. In addition, the fund may concentrate its investment from time to time in one economic sector. |
Pzena International Small Cap Value Fund | PZVIX | 5.8% | -5.3% | 17.4% | |
The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in small-cap companies in international markets outside the United States. The investment process is designed to identify companies with strong financial position, attractive earnings history and are estimated to offer strong long-term prospects. The research process is focused on evaluating individual companies for its business model, earnings durability, market leadership, competitive dynamic, and management effectiveness. The fund prefers to hold between 40 and 90 companies that offer the most attractive upside potential and are trading at most compelling valuations to their long term prospects. The fund primarily invests in companies operating in developed international markets but may invest in emerging markets as well. The fund may invest in companies through equity securities issued as Global Depository Receipts, American Depository Receipts, and European Depository Receipts. In addition, the fund may invest in real estate companies or trusts and limited or master limited partnerships. In addition, the fund may concentrate its investment from time to time in one economic sector. |
Transamerica International Small Cap Value | TISVX | 3.8% | -0.5% | 13.9% | |
The fund seeks to appreciate capital through investing in small-size companies located outside the United States. The fund is sub-advised by Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley LLC (TSW). The investment process starts with a list of companies in the benchmark MSCI EAFE Small Cap Index between the market capitalizations of $200 million to $8 billion. The research team then identifies a list of companies that are estimated to outperform the benchmark using fundamental analysis, qualitative and quantitative methods using a four-factor valuation screen. The investment team then looks for companies with near-term catalyst to revalue stock higher and realize the long term intrinsic value. The team practices a strict sell discipline and sells the stock if the investment thesis is no longer valid or the market presents a significantly better investment opportunity. |